The crusade for clean water started as way back as the 15th century BCE when excavations of the tomb of Amenophis II of the ancient Egyptian kingdom of Thebes showed a wall with an inscription depicting a water clarifying device. The quest for the most convenient and best water filtration system produced a range of theories, strategies and apparatus from great minds of history like the Sushruta Samhita Sanskrit filtering process using a stone called “Gomedaka” and the Ousruta Samhita charcoal , Hippocratic sleeve by Hippocrates and the multiple sand filtering process first developed by the Italian physician Lucas Antonius Portius in his book “Soldier’s Vade Mecum”. Up to the turn of the 19th century, sand filters were widely used in the American frontiers until the Federal government standardized the water treatment industry in the 70’s.
Water is a life-giving element. Using clean drinking water is vital for our survival and guarantees us safety from waterborne diseases. But choosing the most suitable water filtration system differs from entering into a store and just picking up anything that fancies you. Extreme care should be followed to ensure that your system will work not only for you but for the water that you will be using. Water should be analyzed to figure out the variety of contaminants it has as this will determine the filtration method that will work best to guarantee the quality of water that will suit your need.
Aside from coliform bacteria, metals and minerals which include iron, manganese, calcium and magnesium. The water from your source can possibly be examined by municipality agency tasked to monitor problems of this kind. After you have determined the form of contaminants that appear in your water, the next thing to consider is filtre that is best for the water to beĀ filtered. Below are some things to consider on the best ways to pick for the best water filtration system:
Oxidation Filtration Systems
This system uses chlorine or potassium permanganate to alter iron and manganese to an insoluble form which is then filtered using a special filter media bed. Maintenance requires backwashing the filter bed and changing the agent on a regular basis. This is suitable for treating water for a whole house because of its size.
Water Distillation Systems
This system requires boiling the water and afterwards collecting the condensed water vapor. The product is by far the safest since all contaminants are thrown off in the boiling process thereby making the collected water pure and totally free of any dirt and bacteria. However, this method might be hard on the budget because of the cost of energy.
Carbon Filters
This of uppermost common system and has varying forms of capabilities being dependent on the configuration. This is usually affixed to a faucet and may be connected directly to the plumbing system. This can reduce a significant amount of contaminants for instance, chlorine byproducts and other forms of parasites.
Reverse Osmosis And UV Systems
Reverse osmosis water filtration system uses a semi-permeable membrane where water is forced through it by extreme pressure. The water produced through this method reduces greatly the presence of heavy metals, minerals and bacteria. A reverse osmosis water filtration system commonly undergoes 5 stages travelling through several filters (sediment and carbon) and an ultra- violet lamp that microbes that may have escaped the RO filters.
These technologies offer varying degrees of results but generally are safe for human consumption. We have to choose the best water filtration system that not only meets the requirement of the water source but also the need of your household. You may want a system that will supply you with clean, filtered water for all your needs or you may want a system only for your drinking
and cooking need. Cost is also a consideration which has to be weighed. You should get a system that meets your budget. Several of these technologies are somewhat elaborate so the cost of acquiring it may also be great. Having all these in mind, there is no main reason why you can not choose the most ideal water filtration system you like.